Often time traditional print advertisement and TV or radio advertisements are not the smartest choices for your business when you on a small budget. Digital efficiency has made advertising much more affordable for business. When you are starting off or in early stages of your business the techniques mentioned below will give you more monetary value on your investment.

Social Media

In this day and age majority of your target market connect on social media sites such as Twitter Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube. Having a presence on some of these social media platforms not only expands your target market but posting quality content also creates positive brand awareness for your product and services. Plus, the added benefits of being close to your audience, reminding your audience about your great products and services so they can share your expertise and knowledge with there friends, family and collogues at work ultimately giving your business more references. It is much more cost affective way of reaching bigger audience compared to radio or newspaper advertisement. A better return on your investment when at 416 you only pay $150/Month for your custom social media campaign, that keeps your customers involved with custom posts, promotions, and upcoming products and services. We also do a custom analysis of your target market to reach the right audience that converts. Visit our social media page for more info on packages and details.


A website can be described as a portal that helps you close your sales online. It gives you an in-depth information about your product or services, which better equips them to make a decision. It funnels out the audience that is interested and helps them contact you seamlessly. Connecting the Social media sites to your website not only better the decision making process for your audience but also gets them closer to your products and services. At 416 we know how to do just that by giving you an online presence starting at $299/One time. A small amount to get your information online for your customer and an ever ready closing system that works when you are not.


This is referred to as reaching out to the people that affect or influence your target market. It is much more cost affective way then hiring a celebrity or a public figure. Some of the affordable influencers can be found on YouTube as vloggers or product reviewers they often showcase their life to a larger audience. Sending them a free product or offering them a way to earn from per product sale referred by them, or simply just doing a free service for them in return could open your doors for many new customers. Instagram Facebook and Twitter also generates an array of following in a similar way where an influencer could post a picture of them using the product or service attracting more traffic towards your business. Sending them a free product or small sum can give you a better return on your investment. A message delivered by the right right person can only increase your chances. Reach out to one of our consultants at 416 for any free advice on your influencer marketing needs.